For Homeowners

How much will this cost?
Pricing will depend on a lot of factors, specifically the type of project you engage in. For example, $200,000 is a very reasonable big-picture amount for an ADU.
How long will this take?
Keep in mind, every project is different. But a very rough estimate timeline can range from 12-14 months.
What are the size requirements?
Keep in mind every municipality has different requirements. The San Diego County website states: An ADU attached to a primary dwelling may be up to 50% of the size of the single-family residence, up to a maximum of 1,200 square feet. An ADU detached from the single-family residence may be up to 1,200 square feet, regardless of the size of the residence. Now Haus will also ensure the ADU complies with fire code setbacks. We are well versed on all requirements by ZIP Code and encourage you to set up an initial call with our team to discuss your property.
How will my property taxes be impacted?
Your property tax will not increase on your existing home and it will not trigger a reassessment of your entire property. But you will pay a higher tax on the ADU (the current going rate for property taxes in your area) You will have what is called a blended assessment.
Can I sell the ADU once it's built?
No. An ADU may be rented but is not intended for sale separate from the primary residence. Now Haus does help homeowners facilitate Lot Splits where you can build a new residence with an ADU that can be sold. If you are interested in this, please contact us.
What is CA SB 9?
Senate Bill 9 – the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act streamlines the process for a homeowner to create a duplex or subdivide an existing lot. This bill went into law Jan. 1, 2022. To be eligible for the streamlining provided by this bill, a parcel must meet a specific list of qualifications that protects historic districts, preserves the environmental quality and the look of communities, and prevents tenants from being displaced. This legislation will enable homeowners to create intergenerational wealth, and provide access to more rental and ownership options for working families who would otherwise be priced out of neighborhoods. Read more at https://focus.senate.ca.gov/sb9
What is a Lot Split?
As defined by San Diego County: An Urban Lot Split (ULS) is an action that divides an existing single premise into no more than two separately conveyable lots. Read additional information here: https://www.sandiego.gov/development-services/forms-publications/information-bulletins/409

For Realtors

Does Now Haus have marketing materials I can provide to my clients?
Absolutely. We can even work with you to customize materials. You can always direct them to our website, too.
What is the highest and best use for a property?
We will need the address of the property and the vision for the homeowner to provide an initial analysis. Only then can we schedule an onsite meeting to fully discuss the highest and best use of the property.
Do you offer a referral?
Now Haus does offer a referral. You can sign up here: https://www.now-haus.com/referral-form